Pat's Garden

Driveway border started in 2003 with a planting of tissue culture lilacs brought back from
Seattle underneath the seat of the airplane. This photo in June 2004 with perennials
added for summer interest.

My how the border has grown in a year! Now late June of 2005. Monarda is about as tall as
I am!

New woodland garden 2005 behind Yarn Barn.
Will have many varieties of hydrangea, azaleas, rhodendrum, hosta, and more to come.

photo 2004 looking out side door of Yarn Barn.
I think the pot of gold is inside! |

another look at the woodland garden.
This is about a fourth of the area, so many more years work ahead.

A happy co-incidence, I forget about hosta blooming. Planted with coral swirl
impatients |

oak leaf hydrangea
the flowers on these are as long as my forearm

new bed 2004 in back of house
Jim loves hollyhocks and this was the first time I have ever gotten them to grow. |

maybe if I dig around in my notes I can find the names
of these daylilies |

a double yellow hollyhock from 2004, to bad it didn't live another season,
the hollyhock that came up this year is pink single |

the bud on a magnolia
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Copyright © 2005-2009, Pat Kirtland.
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